Thursday, March 16, 2006

Have you met my blog?

This has got to be one of the coolest ideas ever. Not only can I bore people with the retelling of my life's stories, but now I can write them down and save them forever. Yippee!

Tannie, my wife, has got to be the coolest person in the world! Yes, the entire world! Not only is she a hotty, translated as babe, but she is also the most patient person I know. How many people could marry an Accountant (my profession) that used to be an artist and not go crazy. In other words, she has to put up with a messy, detail oriented person. Not only do I make a mess, but I make sure that every detail is messy.

I love my wife very much. She really is the love of my life. We met in high school and have been best friends ever since. I guess you could say we are "bff," but then I would have to call you gay and say that you sounded like a 13 year-old girl. So let's just say we are and always will be best friends.

Besides being my best friend and the source of my happiness, Tannie makes a great lover. Everybody but Tannie should plug there ears now, because this is only for Tannie to hear. ........-...................................----------.....................................--------------------------................ (that is what it sounds like with your ears plugged).

Tannie is also the worlds number one mom. Most women today find it degrading or demeaning to be a stay at home mom. Tannie has chosen to be one. I have always let her make the decision as to whether she stays at home with the kids, or goes to work. Becuase of her selfless nature and almost always putting the family before herself, Austin (our two-year old) and Logan (our unborn) have a mom that is dedicated to raising them according to our beliefs.

I wanted the world to have access to a brief introduction to what makes my life wonderful. Here it is. It isn't detailed or overly verbose, and there will be more details as I begin to put to words my thoughts and feelings, but I hope that all who read it can see that without Tannie, I would just be another misguided and unhappy soul. Thank you, Tannie, for helping me take the beginning steps to becoming the man I am supposed to be. I love you.

Futboldan (aka Dan Smith)


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