Monday, July 23, 2007

De-poopifying the stupified masses.

It is six days short of one year since my last post. I have a son that turns one on the 25th, but can't really blame him for my lack of posts. Instead, I will blame grass. Not the drug kind, but the kind you mow. If you're not trimming it, you are weeding, watering, fertilizing, chasing dogs off it and the de-poopifying it. It never ends.

After that last sentence, you should all be feeling a wee bit dumber and are now ready to get to know me. I am usually against deep thinking and other brain busting use of my noggin, but I thought this was a great idea. My wife is doing it, my in-laws are doing it, everybody is doing it, so now I will do it. My wife was sent an email or something that asked her to fill out a list of 101 things about herself and then post them to her blog. Have fun reading and please understand that I am not liable for any emotional trauma you may suffer from getting to understand me better.

101 Little Known Facts About Daniel A. Smith:
1. I claim chartreuse as my favorite cause it sounds cool, even though it is butt-ugly
2. Red is my real favorite color
3. I was an Art Major when I started college
4. I actually find accounting more interesting than art
5. I want to own my own Accounting Firm at some point in my life
6. I also want to earn a living playing video games
7. I was a Halo addict
8. I do not own a video game system any more and will not let my kids get one
9. I like to dream I can fly
10. Sometimes I will lay down at night and try to make myself lift off the bed
11. I have never actually succeeded in flying
12. I was an all-American goalkeeper
13. Soccer has always been my favorite activity
14. I have been knocked unconscious 11 times, broken my nose 4, broken every finger and toe but my ring finger, broken more ribs than I can count, cracked my cheek bone and nasal passage, broken my shin and spiral fractured my left arm playing goalie
15. I have broken more bones on other people than have been broken on me
16. Part of the reason I like to play goalie is the rush as I dive in front of a charging attacker
17. I think that I am slightly crazy
18. It drives me nuts if my wife adjusts the nobs in the car
19. I don't get cold, unless I am sick
20. If I get busy, I forget to eat
21. I forget to eat a lot
22. I secretly fear that I will die before I see my family grow up
23. I wish that I could stay home with my family all day and not work
24. I am a jerk sometimes and I enjoy it
25. I think I should have been born in the medieval period
26. I love Dungeons & Dragons and anything related to Knights, Dragons and Wizards
27. I am studying for the CPA exam
28. I think I can pass all four sections on the first try, but am afraid I will not pass any
29. I like my gray hair
30. I do not want any more gray hair
31. I love the way it feels to hold my two little boys
32. I am scared to death to have a daughter
33. I think a daughter would make my family complete
34. I have always wondered if what I see as green is the same color that you see as green, or if my green is your red
35. Zoolander is my favorite movie of all time
36. I almost kissed Tannie (my wife) when I was engaged to another girl
37. I never kissed or cheated on a girl in any way
38. I have never tasted or had any part of tobacco in my life
39. I know the answer to "What would Jesus do?"
40. I have kissed fewer girls than I have fingers
41. I love to float underwater and feel and hear nothing
42. I like the fact that I have big feet
43. I think Tannie and I make a good match
44. I think I was lucky to have caught Tannie
45. I am so single minded, that when I read, I literally cease to hear anything around me
46. I thought I was a better artist than my wife in high school
47. Now I think I was wrong and just overconfident
48. I like taxes
49. It wasn't until I moved to Texas that I learned to like Bar-B-Que
50. The one profession I would like more than accounting and full-time video playing is Chef
51. I think I would get bored of video games after about a week of playing non-stop
52. I want to run with the bulls in Spain
53. When a confrontation occurs (that does not involve my family), I am a chicken and only think/do the brave things in my head
54. I got in the face of a guy who was screaming at my mom when we were swimming laps. I unnerved him enough so that he backed off and I was only fourteen.
55. I took Brazilian Ju-Jitsu for a year
56. I have performed CPR twice and they lived both times
57. I was so scared after performing CPR that I cried
58. I hate lazy people. Not the kind that have lazy moments, but the kind that always have an excuse as to why their life is bad.
59. I actually like being alone more than being with people (my wife is the exception. she is my better half)
60. I am an introvert by nature, but have had to develop my extrovert facade in order to make it in the world
61. I hate being told what to do and will do the opposite sometimes just because I was told to do something
62. Tannie thinks I am the most stubborn person in the world. I really just hate change
63. I think I would not be a good member of our church if I did not have my Wife as an example.
64. I am physically addicted to Dr. Pepper
65. NARF!
66. I have no brain to mouth barrier
67. Most of the time, it doesn't bother me that there is no barrier
68. Poop is one of my favorite words
69. I am embarrassed by my teeth
70. I have a droopy eye that doesn't open as far as the other and really bugs me when I see my photo
71. I trained as a goalie with current members of the US National soccer team (not to be translated as trained with the US soccer team)
72. Breaking my arm and ending my soccer career was one of the best things that could have happened to me. I got to rep[lace that dream with my family and current career
73. I want to be successful, so that I can share the money with my family and make life easier for them
74. I want to do a one month survival course
75. I have a knack for being the center of negative attention, but am not usually the one at fault
76. I think I am too emotional
77. I want to live on a beach
78. My favorite vacation activity (most of the time) is to sit in the house and watch T.V.
79. The only reason I dress half-way decent is cause my wife has a good sense of style
80. I hate going to bed before midnight
81. I really wanted Logan's (my youngest son) middle name to be Ender
82. My favorite books are "A Separate Peace", "Ender's Game", and The Wheel of Time series
83. I have an almost photographic memory of faces and can recognize people that I saw once ten years ago, but have troubles remembering the name of people I have worked with every day for five years
84. I have a really hard time distinguishing between background noise and the person speaking to me
85. One of the Partners dislikes me for some unknown reason, but thinks that I should be promoted
86. I love to make people that dislike me have to promote, respect or acknowledge that I am good at what I do
87. I have developed the memory of a goldfish when it comes to "To Do" lists that people give me
88. I am a workaholic by nature
89. I can fall asleep in almost any situation within five minutes
90. I can't remember lyrics or movie lines to save my life
91. My favorite music groups are The Beach Boys, Toadies, Queen and Offspring (in that order)
92. I am proud of the power of my flatulence and that I once cleared a school bus on the way to a swim meet
93. I am glad that my wife finds my flatulence embarrassing
94. I think my wife is the perfect height
95. I like to smell my wife when I give her a hug
96. I want my boys to grow up to be better men than I am
97. I want a Velcro room in the corner of my office in my dream home
98. I have always wanted to play in a pool (full-size) of pudding as long as it isn't banana
99. I wonder if X-ray vision is really all it is cracked up to be
100. I want to write a book about all of the unique experiences I have had
101. I think that my wife invented the greatest character name in the world. Dorkus Butsnark

I am glad we had this little moment together. Hopefully, you will not receive a perma-stupification.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. I now feel closer to you than ever. (said somewhat sarcastically and somewhat seriously.)

2:52 PM  
Blogger Russell and Jillian said...

This is Dorcus Butsnark and I am writing to inform you that you owe me some royalties for the use of my name in print. Oh, and I really liked your list. It was hilarious!!!

8:15 PM  
Blogger J Philpot said...

The Philpot's loved learning more about Dan. We have lots in common. But musically something must be done. We have the Beach Boys Endless summer in the car now, Queen we even paid tribute to while visiting Freddy Mercury's statue in Montreux Switzerland, but the Offspring. Dan Dan we are laughing all the way back to our Sophomore year in highschool. Ha Ha. Dan rocks.

5:25 PM  

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